Abu Bakr Salem Melodies

For cultural season 24/23, this concert kicked off the “Without a Microphone” series featuring the late singer and composer Abu Bakr Salem’s enchanting melodies that captivated millions across the Gulf and the Arab world. Abu Bakr Salem was born in 1939 in Tarim, Hadhramaut in Yemen. In the mid 1950’s, he began his musical career at Aden Radio. Later, he decided to move to livelier destinations, carrying his Adeni music along and expanding the reach of Yemeni songs to broader geographical horizons.

During his artistic journey, Abu Bakr Salem released numerous albums and hundreds of songs, showcasing the distinct Hadhrami singing style. This style was prominent in his works, whether through his evocative lyrics and melodies or through his collaborations with fellow Yemeni artists.


He also formed a successful duo with Hussein Al-Mahdhar. Among his famous songs are “Dhabi Al- Yemen” (The Yemeni Gazelle,) “Ser Hobbi” (The Secret of My Love), “Ghayaar” (Jealous) and many more.

“Without a Microphone” evenings bring melodies and songs in their purest form, without the use of microphones, mixers, or speakers. This evening, Dr Khaled Noori, the conductor, will lead a large musical ensemble, composed of 50 virtuoso musicians and singers.


September 12-13, 2023


Sheikh Jaber Al-Ali Hall




Idea, production, direction, music composition, and marketing


Concept and Production Scene Productions Stage Design and Build D-Design Musical Arrangements Khaled Noori Lighting Programmer Pete Winter