1001 Nights...

“One Thousand and One Nights,” a title imbued with beauty, imagination, myths, tales of love, and adventures, is encapsulated within the famous book “One Thousand and One Nights.” This was before the iconic song by Umm Kulthum, bearing the same name, resonated in 1969, composed by Baligh Hamdi. It transformed into one of the most exquisite songs of romantic longing, evoking a realm untouched by the constraints of reality. Following this narrative, the design and production of this exceptional performance were conceived, encompassing twelve renowned songs from the treasures of Arab music, performed by the stellar duo Marwan Khoury and Mai Farouk. They showcased their adeptness in delivering the traditional musical style with finesse, coming together for the first time in their artistic journey, gracing the stage with their presence.


The performance commenced with the song “Zorouni Kull Sana Mara,” renowned for the celestial voice of Fairuz, and concluded with the masterpiece “Alf Leila W Leila” by the magnificent Umm Kulthum, serving as a fitting finale. Between these two remarkable pieces, the audience was treated to numerous surprises that were woven into this exceptional performance. Guided by Maestro Dr. Khaled Nouri, we embarked on a journey of diverse emotions, accompanied by a musical ensemble consisting of 50 instrumentalists and vocalists. The audience was thus treated to a unique and dreamlike evening, set upon the stage of the Arena, Kuwait’s most modern and spacious venue.


December 2022


The Arena Kuwait





Concept, production, creative direction and marketing.

Artist Marwan Khouri and Mai Farouk Creative Direction Scene Productions Producer Scene Productions Co-Producer Tamdeen Group Set, Video and Lighting Design 59 Productions Costume Design Bazza Al Zouman