Songs by Karama Mirsal

The second concert in the “Without a Microphone” series has revisited the works of Yemeni artist Karama Mirsal, whose influence on Adani and Yemeni music in Kuwait, is undeniable. In 1946, Mirsal was born in Al-Salam neighborhood in the ancient district of Mukalla in Hadramout. As a resident of the same neighborhood as Mohamad Jumaa Khan, the founder of several Yemeni singing styles such as Adani, Mirsal was greatly influenced by Khan’s style of composing, singing, and playing the oud. During his career as a renowned musician, Karama Mirsal has presented several timeless songs to the Yemeni musical heritage. In addition, he has contributed greatly to promoting Adani music in Kuwait since his first visit in 1968.

And just as music used to be played without amplification for hundreds of years, “Without a Microphone” evenings bring melodies and songs in their purest form, without the use of microphones, mixers, or speakers. Dr Khaled Noori, the conductor, has lead a large musical ensemble, composed of 50 virtuoso musicians and singers. Furthermore, an expert in Yemeni music has been working with them to ensure that the songs and music are presented correctly.


March 13, 2023


Sheikh Jaber Al-Ali Hall




Idea, production, direction, music composition, and marketing


Concept and Production Scene Productions Stage Design and Build D-Design Music Arrangements Khaled Noori